5 Tips to Generate More Leads and Sales via Classified Ad Posting

Adsnity India September 15, 2024

5 Tips to Generate More Leads and Sales via Classified Ad Posting

How to get more Sales and Leads from Online Ad Posting

Ad posting has become very common all over the world and people are using different channels for posting ads online for promoting their business or products related websites. Some of the people are also using paid advertising options while most of the small business owners use mostly “free ad posting” on various classifieds websites.

However, both kinds of advertising options are great for promoting a business online.


Ad Posting Tips: How to post ads so that you can generate more leads & business sales via Classifieds.

Here is the main difference between both the ways of advertising :-

The paid marketing methods of advertising promote your business rapidly but it cost very high and everyone can’t afford them . While the free ways of advertising take time in promoting your business, but they are very low priced and are budget friendly . You give a nominal charge only to the ad posting service provider company.

However, both the ways are perfect and useful for any business or company and good results do come out of these strategies- sooner or later.

So, we will focus here on the free ways of business advertising assuming that you came here to hear about free marketing methods.

4 Killer tips for lead generation

Here are the five tips that would generate more leads via classifieds free ad posting :



Attractive offer


When you placed an ad at an online classified website don’t forget to keep your ads unique and attractive . Because people don’t want to waste their time in reading a stale and boring ad copy. They only read an ad thoroughly only if they find something new and interesting.

Thus, it is very important to make your ad copy creative and interesting. This is one of the basic fundamental principals of marketing.

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Use Original content in ad description


The content that you use for creating ads should be unique and each of the words should be written in proper language so that user could understand and take an interest in purchasing your services and products.

As you may have already noticed how even employers use the same copied content in the job descriptions they advertise for. They forget that job seekers get blind towards such employment classifieds ads.



The ad should be complete from every aspect, most of the people forget to place the contact or email ID, due to which the viewer become confused that how he or she can approach to the seller. Thus, you have to be very careful while placing the ad and keep your ad complete with all the required information.

If you provide as much information as possible, then the readers would become more satisfied with your services and product and would prefer to purchase it.

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Do not post fake information


Most of the people while creating an ad place fake information due to which they lose the trust in the eyes of the potential customers. However, while placing ads on classified websites, always put correct information and do not use fake information .

For some reasons, If you can’t disclose your identity then place a note saying : “please contact me/us for the contact details” . Faith and trust is a very important factor.

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Add Quality images to your adverts


In a classified ad you need to upload some images of product and services that you want to promote. Thus, the images should be creative, unique and appealing. Graphics of the pictures should give an elegant look.  Do not upload typical and edited pictures on classified ads otherwise people would not take interest in your product and services because of the lack of authenticity.

Assuming that you have read the above tips carefully and now you know how to make your ads more result oriented, you may post unlimited ads to get the desired leads and sales online.

Post free online ads in India (Adsnity India)

Post online ads  ( Adsnity classified for the countries other than India)

Free ad posting in Bangalore over 30 sites

Categories : Online Marketing