10 Tips to Generate More Income from YouTube Earnings (You Tube AdSense Account)

Adsnity India August 22, 2016

10 Tips to Generate More Income from YouTube Earnings (You Tube AdSense Account)

10 Tips to generate more income from YouTube earnings (from YouTube AdSense account)

There are hundreds of ways for a person to earn online and among them one of the best options is earning through “YOUTUBE”. This article would cover the tips and tricks for generating more income from YouTube.

Following are some great and practical ways of making more money from Google AdSense through YouTube Platform:-

Your YouTube channel can be casted with AdSense. AdSense works in a way that it shows different ads on your YouTube channel, and you can earn money when a viewer clicks on an ad. More are the ad clicks more are the earnings.

For YouTubers, this is the easiest and the most convenient way of earning really good money online as per their capabilities. Many artists are earning loads of money through AdSense every day.


Below are few ways to increase you income through AdSense :-

1- Find a Prominent niche:

Search for a prominent niche which is trendy these days with a decent amount of searches. You can use Google Keyword Planner for this purpose which is basically a free tool for the advertisers which helps them find different keywords searched a lot each month and create new campaigns.


2- Keep a balance between Organic Traffic vs Direct traffic:

AdSense ads can increase your revenue when your traffic is from search engines. Direct traffic is not such a good source to increase your income because the advertisers are bidding higher for the ads shown on the videos getting visitors from search engines.

That’s why many people have complains regarding low income through YouTube AdSense because of the low CPC rates on their account despite getting millions of views monthly.

The reason is CPC and traffic sources.

One must target traffic from European and American regions, like the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, and the U.K. This will result in much higher CPC and ultimately high income from your YouTube account!


3- Type of ads:

One of the common beliefs regarding AdSense is that image or graphic ads are better than textual ads. If you block an ad kind, it will decreases the CPM of your ads as the competition on ads is decreased. Try using both types of ad, image and text.


4- Increase your Fan Base or audience :


You should get in contact with your audience directly and behave ethically to increase your fan base. You can cooperate with the site bloggers and post your videos on different kinds of social media like Facebook and twitter. The more you focus on getting more viewers, the more you will earn from your YouTube channel through Google AdSense.


5- Improve your Ranking:


You can also generate more income by raising your ranking in different search engines. You can use better keywords for a higher ranking in any industry. The better keywords you use, the more will be the traffic on your YouTube channel. This will lead to better ads presentation on the channel and eventually, more money for you to make.


6- Increase the relevant Tags on your videos:


Tags are also very helpful in getting more views. Tags basically connect videos that are similar to each other. If the connections are well established, the more viewers you will be getting to increase the earning. Remember, keyword research is important here too.


7- Build a Successful YouTube Channel:


You can never make serious money through YouTube AdSense if only your videos are great and your channel isn’t successful. You can make your YouTube channel successful by giving it a bit of style and completing all the information required in your profile. You can customise the cover photo or modify the background color similar to the color scheme.


8- Varying the Video Presentation:


If you want your channel to get a higher ranking, you should present your videos in a new way. YouTube users would be looking for different things and new ideas introduced by your channel. You can make videos of various lengths so the users can decide if they want to watch a longer or a shorter video by looking at the time stamp.


9- Create new Video Playlists:


You can make a new playlist of a series of videos you choose. You can create new videos on interesting topics and organize them to make a compelling playlist that users can watch and get entertained anytime. Making new playlists will help you find users with different tastes increasing the views on your channel raising your AdSense revenue.


10- Building Up a Community:


Creating a community is a significant step for generating more income and increasing your AdSense earnings from YouTube. You should always be informed of the user’s feedback and react to the most fascinating comments daily. You should make fan based videos regularly updating your users of what you are bringing up next. Similarly, responding to other user’s videos also keeps the fans interested in your channel increasing the views regularly and earning you extra revenue.

A single click on a video might not make up a lot of money but this money can be multiplied a lot more times if you get your users view the advertisements being promoted on your YouTube channel and who knows you might end up getting famous as well.

Categories : Online Jobs
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