Ways to Make Money online with Classifieds Websites- How to Generate Consistent Income

Adsnity India December 13, 2015

Ways to Make Money online with Classifieds Websites- How to Generate Consistent Income

7 ways to Make Money Online from your Classifieds website :- helpful Tips for Website owners


HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE – Are you looking for ways on how to make money? Do you know that millions of people have made their online career (regular or freelance base) or business by earning with classifieds advertising ?

(see here a list of classifieds for your reference – good Classifieds websites in Bangalore for online ad posting

Some people also earn money by ad posting jobs, as listed here : ad posting jobs in Kerala, India )

Well, if you were not aware, then you have come to the right place. Some of the best ways to make money with classified websites include :

1. Create a classifieds website


You can make money by creating a classified website. Designing a classified website is not a daunting task. You only need web hosting services and domain to get started. Once you have created the site, promote it through social media platforms including Facebook, twitter and Instagram. In addition, add affiliate links and advertising banners.

To make the site more attractive, add useful content that will give internet users more reasons to keep visiting it.



2. Sell products through your classified ads website


In case you are a merchant, you can use your website to reach out to more potential buyers. Post details about your products so that your visitors can go through.

To make more money from selling your products classified ads sites, you need to do the following:- 

• Post your products at the right time

• You need to describe your products, add pictures as well as your contacts so that potential buyers can easily reach you when they need them.

• When fixing the price for your products, ensure that you are realistic. Do not make your products appear too expensive when someone can get the same elsewhere at a lower price. In other words, find time and compare what prices others are offering before deciding on yours.

3. Membership or pay per ad


Pay per classified ad is yet another common way used by most people to make money online without any hassle. The best model is the membership subscription that allows visitors to post unlimited number of ads depending on the monthly fee.

This sounds interesting because it can help you to become the online business men you ever wanted to be without spending sleepless nights wondering how you can do it. This method is useful for members who post ads regularly. No one would want to pay for membership subscription when he or she only posts one or two ads per month.

[ Search Part time online jobs in India

4. Offer premium content


Premium content can generate you a lot of income. Typically, you have to come up with free content to attract the readers to make them see the need as to why they should pay to get more content from your site.

One of the companies that have applied this is PSDtuts. Readers visit their site to see free tutorials on how they can come up with different things on Photoshop then they will be informed about membership.

To earn money through this means, you need to find out what you want to offer and then create a membership area where visitors can login to access your services.

After that you can email by listing before you create a blog about the membership services offered.

5. Write tutorials to promote something


Everyone on the internet is looking for content. Therefore, it will be a good idea to create content that will include purchasing something through an affiliate link. With many people visiting your site, making good of money will no longer be a dream anymore. To create the tutorial, simply start with the product. After that, you can do a tutorial using the same tool.

6. Publish eBooks online


Many people want to write books. The only problem is that they do have the right audience. A classified ad site will help you to connect with like-minded people, understand what they love reading and what they do not love. This can be very helpful when it comes to writing a book that will generate good profits. Publishing books provides you with long term means of earning income.

7. Offer training and workshops


You can use your classified ads site to sell live workshops and training programs. Many people can read your content from the internet but they do not respond as expected. With live training and workshops, you will have the opportunity of teaching while at the same time implementing whatever you are talking about with them.

There are so many people who are willing to learn. Such people will not hesitate to pay for the same.