Tips to Making Money Online by Selling eBooks on Amazon

Adsnity India July 15, 2016

Tips to Making Money Online by Selling eBooks on Amazon

How to Make Money at Amazon by selling eBooks Online.


All of us have heard this quote many times in our life that – “Books are the best friends” but have you ever imagined that these books could also be a source of income. As we are living in the digital age and where there are massive transformations are taking place in every field, books are also not an exception.

Now, people love to read e-books on their Smartphone, tablets, and other handy devices just as they make use of it for other activities. So in this manner, these e-books can prove to be one of the best ways to make money online by selling eBooks on Amazon and other similar platforms.

Thus, to help the writers today, I am going to share Tips to making money online by selling eBooks on Amazon. So that, they can earn handsome amount of money, get huge audience base and turn their dream of publishing a book into reality.



⇒ Tips to make money online by Uploading videos 



How to Get Started with Amazon Kindle


After selecting the niche for your e-book, writing of your eBook and proofreading of your e-book several times before publishing, what is the next? The next step after completion of above the mentioned tasks is to submit your eBook to KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing Account).


The process of submitting your e-book to KDP is quite easy in which you just have to register for the KDP account.


And have to provide the required details, like-



  • Title of your eBook.
  • Description of your eBook.
  • Name of the author of eBook.
  • Keywords for your eBook.
  • Category of your eBook.
  • Uploading cover of your e-book.
  • Uploading of the eBook itself (after uploading of your eBook you can get a preview of it on Kindle Previewer),
  • Setting of price for eBook and then finally pressing the button of the save and continue.



Important points to know while getting your books published at Amazon



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Learn how to Make Money Online by Selling Books on Amazon


Once you submit all the necessary details as stated above, the Amazon team will review your book in the duration of 24 hours and if finds suitable then it gets published.

After that you will be asked for verification of your publishing territories on the next page, now it completely depends on you to verify it for worldwide users or users of the specific geographical area.


I would suggest you to go for worldwide option as by doing so you have the chances of getting income from the every part of the world.
With the completion of this step, you have to select royalty for your eBook where you can choose royalty for your eBook. Kindle Direct Publishing provides two royalty options which are 35% royalty and 70% royalty option. You can select one option from both available ones.


As soon as you select the option, it will show you a complete list that how much you will get for each sale not only in your country but also from other parts of the world.


You are eligible to get a royalty of 70% if the pricing of your eBook ranges in amid of $2.99 to $9.99.
Other options you can select if you want to select include Kindle Matchbook and Kindle EBook Lending.


In which customers who buy or have formerly paid for your publish book from Amazon the option to buy your Kindle version for $2.99 or less and Enrolment in Kindle Book Lending will permit customers to let somebody use your book later than buying to their acquaintances and relatives for a time of 14 days respectively.


Other Important Things To Know About Amazon Kindle


While uploading your eBook during the registration process on Amazon Kindle if you have any issues with the formatting options and formats supported by the Amazon Kindle platform you can get complete information about it on under their section of File Formatting Tips.


Either can also visit their help section to get help of any kind related from setting of an account to publishing, promotion to updates, royalties to reports and a many more related things.



Promotion of Kindle eBooks


The most important aspect of getting massive sales of your eBook is the promotion of your eBook. The ways to promote an EBook are:-



Promotion on Social Media platforms


Social Media platforms are a great source to get huge audience base for your eBook. By fostering your EBook on Facebook and Twitter with both free and paid advertising, you can get good sales.


KDP Select Program of Amazon Kindle


You can also become a part of KDP Select Program by enrolling for it if you want to get exceptional promotion benefits and pricing benefits from the platform. But there are certain limitations it will implement your eBook as it will make your eBook exclusive for 90 days and during this duration, you can’t publish it anywhere else.


Reviews for Your EBook


Reviews are also one of the best ways to compel users to purchase your eBook. As it is human nature to investigate before buying anything then in that case good and positive review can prove to be a boon for eBook sales and to make money online by selling eBook on Amazon.


How to make money online at Qmee



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